January was all about improvement and upgrade for the Encompass Group

By Encompass Group
schedule1st Feb 18

January was a very exciting month for the Encompass Group as a whole. It saw the addition of a variety of new services within the group. 

Termate added a brand new CNC fabrication machine which has now given us the ability to provide new and existing customers with bespoke products. With our expertise we can even assist with CAD modelling of your products. Along with the new CNC machine we also upgraded our injection moulding machinery with the addition of new facilities. 

kA Testing Facility added a variety of new testing services within the laboratory. These started with the installation of a salt spray chamber and also included a UV/Xenon chamber along with a Colour Meter, a pre conditioning chamber with the ability to have items subjected to a temperature of -40 degrees to +180 degrees, Torsional, Flexural & Compression apparatus.